The Benefits of Outdoor Play The
importance of relaying the importance of an active lifestyle to your child can
not be understated and will undoubtedly help ensure good health well into their
adulthood. However, the increasing presence of indoor play areas and other
activities, whilst still beneficial, negate many important benefits.
In this month’s blog at First Steps Grimsby Ltd we look at The Benefits of Outdoor Play. Contact our team in
Grimsby on 01472 352 524 for more information.
Boosting Development Vitamin D deficiencies are more common than you would think
amongst children, and this does have a direct link to outdoor play, or in this
case a lack of. Vitamin D can be obtained from sun rays and has many
developmental health benefits to boot.
Including but not limited to, strengthened bones and
muscles, strengthened immune system, and directly reducing the risk of rickets,
delayed motor development, muscle weakness, aches and pains,
and fractures.
Fresh Air The health benefits of fresh air are numerous, and its
importance is all too easily overlooked which unfortunately leads to many
avoidable conditions and illnesses. Next to boosting your digestive system,
cleansing your lungs, and even improving your blood pressure and heart rate, it
also simply makes you happier as scientific evidence has consistently shown.
Healthy Habits It is fair to say pointing your child in the right direction
regarding healthy life choices is the duty of any parent, encouraging your
child to play out regularly is one of the simplest yet most important ways of
doing this. Patterns people develop in their younger years often carry
longevity into their adult years so ensuring your child develops the right
hobbies is vital.
Socializing It’s a given that outdoor play will allow your child the
opportunity to meet new people they otherwise wouldn’t have, and early social
development stands to reason in its importance for all children. Particularly
in activity based outdoor play, which takes this point even further in boosting
a child’s appreciation and understanding of teamwork.
Natural Appreciation Allowing a child to experience the great outdoors early on
will familiarise them with it and help them develop appreciation for their
surroundings early on. This respect for the value of living things around them
will not only be of great benefit to them, but generations to come who will
carry forward this respect and appreciation for their natural surroundings.
Contact Us For more information, please visit our website or contact our team in Grimsby on 01472 352 524 .Alternatively,
you can make an enquiry through our contact form .