Beat Those January Blues After the excitement of Christmas and the holiday season, January can seem very boring to children. They go back to their usual routine and the weather is usually grey and miserable. January doesn’t have to be that way. Make the most of the wet weather by staying in and having fun in a cost-effective way.
At First Steps Nursery ,
this month’s blog looks at how you can keep the January blues away and keep
your children occupied. For more information, don’t hesitate to call us in Grimsby on 01472 352524 .
Make A Den There is nothing more fun than making a den. Children love it and parents tend to enjoy it as well. We recommend making some space in your living room and spreading out some chairs. You then need to find a big sheet that’s going to be the roof.
A den that takes a short time to create can provide hours of fun on a miserable day. Your children can watch their favourite films or read fun-filled stories underneath it.
Arts And Crafts Painting, drawing and colouring are always a good choice of activities to keep children entertained regardless of the situation. Encourage your children to get creative and potentially challenge them to use items around the house to make their favourite character from a book or film.
Not only does it encourage fun, but it also challenges your child. By getting them to draw certain items or objects, it will develop their observation and concentration skills.
Visit The Library Even if it’s still raining, it’s still good to get out of the house and get some fresh air into your body. Spend some time with your children in the library looking at different types of books and you can collectively decide which book you want to take home.
Many libraries often have activities and games for children to play to make the trip even more worthwhile. Once done, you can go home and read while indulging in a nice warm hot chocolate.
Contact First Steps Grimsby For more information about how you can keep your child occupied this January, contact First Steps Grimsby Ltd. Call us today on 01472 352 524 . Alternatively, you can send us a message via our contact form and we’ll be in touch.
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